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Past IOA Annual ConferencesThe IOA annual conference serves as the premier venue to promote ombuds awareness, increase individual knowledge, and enhance professional skills. The annual conference features keynote and plenary speakers, workshops, presentations, and panel discussions to address a conference theme and provides countless opportunities for connection and engagement.18th Annual Conference 2023Ombuds as a Change Agent 17th Annual Conference 2022 - Virtual Belonging Together: Reimagined 16th Annual Conference 2021 - Virtual Bridging the Distance 15th Annual Conference - Cancelled Due to COVID "IOA Vision 2020: Innovation, Importance, and Integrity in Ombuds Work" 14th Annual ConferenceMain Conference 1–3 April 2019 13th Annual ConferenceMain Conference 23–25 April 2018 12th Annual ConferenceMain Conference 24–26 April 2017 11th Annual ConferenceMain Conference 10–13 April 2016 10th Annual ConferenceMain Conference 19–22 April 2015 9th Annual Conference4–9 April 2014 8th Annual Conference19–24 April 2013 7th Annual Conference13–18 April 2012 6th Annual Conference1–6 April 2011 5th Annual Conference"IOA and New Orleans: Rebirth, Rebuild, Respond!" 4th Annual ConferenceA joint conference with 3rd Annual Conference"Making a Difference-The Ombudsman Impact" 2nd Annual Conference"Strengthening Our Foundations" 1st Annual Conference"Anchors Aweigh: Charting a New Course for Organizational Ombuds"