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2025 Call for PresentationsProposal Window: 3 September – 23 October 2024About the Event | Plan Your Proposal | Evaluation Criteria | Submission Details | 5 Tips The International Ombuds Association warmly invites you to submit a presentation proposal or speaker suggestion for our 20th Annual Conference. Our conference is 7 - 9 April 2025, with preconference days on 5 - 6 April, in Miami, Florida, USA. The 2025 Call for Presentations has closed! Thank you to all who submitted to present at the Annual Conference! About the Event & Our AttendeesIOA Annual Conferences draw attendees from diverse sectors around the world. Participants and presenters represent professionals in academia, corporations, government, non-profits, healthcare, faith communities, the dispute resolution field, and many other organizations. At #IOA2025, we hope to share ideas, collaborate, and explore new theories, concepts, and practices. After the success of last year's conference, which included more than 500 participants, we expect the #IOA2025 event to be the most connected and well-attended event the International Ombuds Association has ever held. Learn More About OmbudsWhat Are We Looking to Present at #IOA2025?It is IOA's goal to continually improve the content we offer conference attendees. Based on evaluations of past conferences we have developed a list of requested topics and areas of interest for #IOA2025. We are particularly focused on innovative offerings to connect with attendees across the world. We also encourage submissions for short presentations that focus on ombuds’ creative work and wellness or practice tips. Please be sure to review the list of the required information to prepare your proposal. You are welcome to submit more than one proposal and encourage you to share this call for proposals widely in your networks.
Plan Your ProposalWhen submitting a proposal, you will be required to include the following information. We have included the list below to help you prepare and gather the required information in advance of completing the call for proposals form.
Relevance to IOA Sector(s)
Target audience for presentation (select at least one):
CO-OP® Domains: For purposes of recertification approval from the Board of Certification for Certified Organizational Ombudsman Practitioners®, please select which of the CO-OP® Domains you expect this presentation may satisfy.
Presenter(s) DetailsAll correspondence/communication will be addressed to the person who logs into their IOA account to submit the proposal. The following information will also be requested for the presenter(s).
Information Needed to Plan Your ProposalHere Are 5 Tips to Help You Prepare Your Speaker Proposal:1. Be ImaginativeConsider using a unique presentation method that goes beyond the typical lecture style. Be innovative! 2. Identify Your AudienceAs you develop your proposal, be sure to keep your intended audience in mind. The IOA Annual Conference brings together hundreds of individuals from across different regions, industries, expertise levels, and backgrounds. By identifying your specific audience early, you can better tailor your proposal. Learn more about IOA attendees on our website. 3. This Year, There Is No Theme!This year, there is no theme! We invite you to focus on any of the broad range of topics that would interest organizational ombuds! 4. Make Your Content RelevantThink about the issues facing organizations today. How can you help prepare ombuds to assist these organizations as they navigate their unique conflicts? Learn more about the topics we hope to explore. 5. Prepare Your Proposal in AdvanceGather all of the necessary information for your proposal prior to completing the online form. Be sure your description and learning objectives are clear and concise. Perhaps ask a colleague to proofread your information before you hit submit. |